Our Dungeon—Play-Space


Our Black Spanking Bench, flanked with toys
  • bench-and-toys
    Our Black Spanking Bench, flanked with toys
  • bilevel spanking bench and stocks
    Our custom bilevel spanking bench with a nice wooden stocks for added security.
  • cage1
    Our Standing Cage. A good place to keep you while we plan the next phase of your stay.
  • cage2
    This cage provides isolation, captivity and security. When will We let you out? Experience absolute control. Perfect for long-term sessions.
  • Our Red-Topped Spanking Bench
    Our custom red-topped spanking bench. Will your skin match the top?
  • Sensation Toys
    We have many toys to select from, each carrying its own unique sensation.
  • the Saint Andrew Cross
    Get that feeling of security from Our Saint Andrew's Cross, conveniently-located right near more toys…


Domination is not prostitution!

Our services do not include anything illegal. Asking for anything that is not legal will result in your being shown the door.

Services we do not provide

We do not provide toilet training, scat play or any exchange of bodily fluids. Do not embarrass yourself by asking.